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Lead life cycle tracking

Reservenow allows you to list all your leads, create and send quotes, manage and track captured leads and lost customers, and manage all customer relationships before, during, and after their service.

How life-cycle tracking works: Reservenow is a cloud-based service that contains all your leads in one central tracking system. It automatically imports your leads from your website and/or third-party lead generation sites such as Reservenow also processes manual entries from your sales staff, who can input the basic lead information in less than 45 seconds per potential customer. You have no need to ask your customers for any more information than you already do.

Reservenow automatically sends each new lead a quote via a link embedded in the body of an email that you send to the potential customer. You have the capability to customize each lead’s quote to fit your sales technique, practices, and reservation policies.

Reservenow enables you to offer one or more of your vehicle types to your potential customers and allows them to book a vehicle and pay a deposit online. At checkout, Reservenow automatically prompts the customer for any additional information you specify that was not captured during the initial quote. We can manage each new reservation, or automatically push it to your limoanywhere account, from which you can manage it through your dispatch cycle.

Lost Leads

Reservenow allows you to track lost customers in several ways.

  1. All lost leads have the opportunity to specify why they didn’t book by answering several questions posed on the decline quote page. This feedback can help you understand why people are not booking with you.
  2. Using the information provided by each lost lead, Reservenow gives you the opportunity to adjust your offering and re-quote the customer. We have found that this second chance recovers many customers who would otherwise have been lost.
  3. Reservenow allows you to schedule follow-up emails based upon the status of each quote. This feature regularly reminds customers and lost leads alike of your service. For example, you could schedule an annual email delivery just prior to one’s birthday, anniversary, or other reoccurring event that people typically celebrate by using your service. This helps you attract and retain customers by reminding them of your company at just the right moment.

Reservenow allows you to list all your leads, create and send quotes, manage and track captured leads and lost customers alike, and manage all customer relationships before, during, and after their service.

Reservenow converts more leads into sales.